Active adult interests | SRES®

Active adult interests

New Research Pinpoints a Blood Factor That Can Reverse Brain Aging

New Research Pinpoints a Blood Factor That Can Reverse Brain Aging

Scientists know that physical activity can boost brain health, even if the source of exercise’s health benefits have been difficult to trace. Researchers have now identified an exercise-induced blood protein that can play a significant role in rejuvenating brains and combatting cognitive decline. The substance, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (phospholipase D1)—or GPLD1 for short—is a protein produced primarily in the liver and distributed via plasma in the blood. While it already exists in humans, exercise makes more of it. Scientists have confirmed the results, but aren’t sure how GPLD1 works

4 Ways to Build a Positive Attitude (and why you should)

4 Ways to Build a Positive Attitude (and why you should)

Life can be challenging, but looking for the good rather than focusing on the negative can make each day feel more rewarding. Plus, keeping a little altitude on your attitude provides physical benefits as well as psychological ones. If your mood needs a boost, try these strategies. 1. Exercise Researchers have found mounting evidence that physical activity provides extensive mental health benefits , including enhanced self-esteem and anxiety and depression reductions. The mood-elevating chemicals released in the brain while exercising continue to improve attitude and outlook long after